Dear Generals, I am requesting tracts and booklets for my field of service. I am reporting for duty as I have received orders from the Most High to report for training. This prison where I am incarcerated has been over run by the propagation of Islam. I am requesting armor and weaponry in the form of booklets and tracts for non-violent witnessing. We Christians are trapped here behind enemy lines, I personally have taken up the cause and infiltrated behind enemy lines by befriending devout Muslims. I wait to be re-supplied so that I may engage in battle with the spiritual forces of wickedness and further spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. I am committed to pray daily beginning with Passover week and during the remembrance of the Exodus, for the setting free of the captives. To Battle, in obedience to the Father and our Captain Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords. In full Salute, A Soldier in Prison Voluntary Enlistment Contract (from above soldier) I do hereby solemnly pledge to obey the commandments of our Creator and Chief, the King of kings and Lord of lords. I submit my body as a living sacrifice to my Captain Jesus Christ which is my reasonable service. I hereby volunteer to enlist in ACMTC under the direction of Major Generals James M. & Deborah L. Green. I freely and faithfully promise to study to show myself approved a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth, and to go an make disciples, in obedience to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, so help me God. |